Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A moment when my life changed (re-post from 2012)

Two weeks ago I stumbled across and article about a young family who found out their unborn child was terminally ill and would not survive. They were given the excruciating task of deciding whether to abort at 6 months or go to full term knowing that he wouldn't survive. They decided to preserve the precious life they had been gifted and he was born, and survived only 5 hours. 

It was the most heart wrenching, beautiful, intimate, courageous documentary that I have ever watched! If you want to see two incredible young parents, grab your tissues and put 45 minutes of your life aside to walk into a world of hope, sadness and love. 

I made a decision last Easter that changed my life. A year earlier I left a relationship that destroyed my confidence in my ability, stole my passion, made me feel mute and that my opinion was always to be questioned. A relationship where I couldn't move furniture without being yelled at, couldn't be 5 minutes late responding to a text, or talk to other men. I never thought that I, a warm, loving and open person would allow someone to take my being....but it happened. 

As I sat and watched this mother give birth to her baby boy and watched her hold him as he passed away my heart broke. I hadn't cried so hard in years. My heart broke for her them. My heart felt full of wonder as all her (and her husband's) immediate family were there to hold Raja and celebrate his little life and honor him with a birthday cake and a kiss goodbye.

The nurses and social workers had spoken of the importance of creating as many memories as possible. To bathe their baby boy, to change his clothes, to take photos of him with mum and dad and to seal his clothing in a bag to retain his smell. I watched as all the family were picking up their cameras and taking photos of this little baby who had passed away and how they looked at him with so much love. Of course they were sad, but they were embracing the short time they had. I felt a rush of something strange rush over me and I cried from my belly.

A light went off inside me. I had to help these families.

I called a local support group for parents who had lost their babies at full term, or prematurely. I didn't know what to say when the lady answered the phone. I hadn't rehearsed anything that I was going to say but asked if the had any photographers who took photos for the families. She said they had one lady who did it "professionally". I can understand that photographers need to make money, but I want to do this on a voluntary basis. The lady who answered the phone was amazing. She was excited, I was excited - I felt AMAZING. 

She will be calling me soon, I will be going to support groups to get involved in the community and will be taking a new direction with my art. I love the celebration of life, children and families....but we all must die and that needs to be honored and recognized too. I am nervous but ready to take this step...I cannot imagine how hard it must be to lose a child. Up until very recent times parents weren't encouraged to talk about their babies, or to spend time with them, they were simply whipped away to the morgue and prepared for the funeral. Thank goodness we have learnt that we need to open our hearts to pain and that its important to treasure what precious time is given.

I am ready to give a little.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

'Perfectly Imperfect' - a wee story about my world....

Behind the scenes at 'The Bloom Effect'

With all the stories about non ethical fashion trade I thought it was a good time to tell you how it works at The Bloom Effect.

Its pretty simple.

I got to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam every 6 months for a month.  While I am there I work with the children at the work I mean sing, dance, hug, massage, play and just 'be'.

Then in the afternoon I get on my motorbike and head to the fabric markets. I walk for hours finding just the right fabrics that are unique and special.  I buy them and carry them on my motorbike to my tailor Han.

Sometimes I need to take a translator with me so I am so lucky to have the awesome 'Michelle'!  She laughs at me when I forget to put petrol in my bike, get lost and forget to carry enough cash...but its all part of this authentic process.

All my items are hand crafted by a local lady by the name 'Han' in Ho Chi Minh City. Han is a disabled and spritely lady who lives with her brother and sister. She is 60 years old and single (something that is very frowned upon in Vietnam).

I have always wanted to have women only tailors and to be able to support Han in an ethical way so that she can work in her home, makes my heart sing!!

Han is paid well for her skills and is often 'paying it forward' by giving some of her wages to the local temple right next door. 

This IS 'The BLOOM Effect'!

 Michelle and I

The Bloom Effect was created by Sharon Thompson, a creative soul who has devoted her life to making the world a better place through documentary photography and volunteering work here and abroad.

The proceeds of your purchase help to share kindness where it’s most needed. Nothing blooms in isolation.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Huffington Post!!!!

Five years ago, I sat down and wrote a list of things I would like to achieve in life. I had been working for a telecommunications company for 13 years and just could not sit behind a desk any longer! I had a vision of not only the life I wanted to live, but also a way of living. I knew I wanted to live a creative life. I knew I wanted to give back and I wanted an authentic life. I wanted to be brave! I craved an existence that I could be proud of and that would make me leap out of bed in the morning. I aimed high when I wrote the list, not for a moment believing that 5 years down the track I would be not only doing what I love, but also that my son would living his dream too.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A very special birthday

Excerpt from Little Feather Foundation.

"Last week Nha had been having such a hard time. Breathing had become very difficult and he needed the help of oxygen to give him some relief. While Nha spent a lot of time sleeping, he looked comfortable and peaceful. 

Despite providing Nha with a diet of a high caloric formula, he is not gaining any weight - in fact, he has lost some. Sometimes this happens when a person begins to get closer to the end of their lives and their body begins to slow down gradually. We will continue to do everything we can to keep Nha comfortable, and we still hope that by continuing to feed Nha a good, nutritious diet, he might gain a little bit of weight back, or at least, stop losing it. 

Hydrocephalus, and the complications that come along with the disease can be very unpredictable. Most of the children who suffer from untreated hydrocephalus seem to swing back and forth between being stable and being very unwell. The road ahead is unknown - we often have no idea about what could be behind the next corner or the where the next turn may take us. For Nha, we are taking each day as it comes.

However TODAY told a different story. Around this corner told of a happier time! Nha had the best day he’s had in such a long time! He was alert, smiling and spent the morning being kissed and cuddled, read to and sung to and being filled up with lots of love. Nha was given a big thick blanket to keep him warm and a soft teddy bear to keep him company. Today was a GREAT day!

Like for many of our children, we can never be too sure about what will happen next, but we will be with Nha all the way making sure he doesn’t have to go through it alone and making sure that for the time we have with Nha, we will celebrate with him and help him to live life as much as he can. 

Our role as palliative care providers is about giving life to days, not about giving days to life"

It was Ngas birthday so it was time to celebrate!

The birthday boy

The staff getting in the spirit


Our special guest Stewart who came to sing for Nha

Dancing with Bai


Sorry Kelly I just had to 

and I deserved it

I love this shot!

The physio getting on down